All-Ukrainian Information Days of EU PROGRAMME ERASMUS+: Academic Mobility, Jean Monnet, Capacity Building of Higher Education and others

National Erasmus+ Office in Ukraine (EU-funded project) performed all interested stakeholders and beneficiaries to take part in the Information days of the EU Program Erasmus+ in sphere of Higher Education involving program managers – EACEA from Brussels, the EU Delegation to Ukraine, Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, National Erasmus+ offices of Ukraine and Moldova, representatives of Embassies of EU Member States and others.

November 19, 2015 Project preparation for the calls for proposals (mobility projects, Capaciy Building in Higher Education (ex-Tempus), Jean Monnet)
Time and place: 9.00-17.30, m. Kyiv, Kyoto str., 19, 2 fl., Congress Center, Assembly Hall of Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics.
Target audience: responsible for international relations, other representatives of higher educational institutions of Ukraine, research institutions, NGOs, employers and other stakeholders who are interested to prepare quality projects on academic mobility and capacity building of HE and European Studies.
Language: English, Ukrainian (simultaneous translation provided).
Participation is free Registration: required.
Details and registration:

November 20, 2015 scholarships (academic mobility)
Time and place: 13.00-17.30, Kyiv, Volodumurska str., 60, 3 fl., Assembly Hall at the Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv.
Target audience: students of all courses, graduates, teachers, researchers and administrative staff of HEIs of Ukraine who are interested in scholarships for study, teaching, research, training, internships and other.
Language: English, Ukrainian (translation on request).
Participation is free. Registration: required.
Details and registration:

Organizers’ contacts:
+ Erasmus National Office in Ukraine (EU project): 01014, Kyiv, Bastionna str., 9, 8 fl.,
Tel. +380442866668, 3322645;,

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